My Computer doesn't recognize my Center CamUpdated 2 years ago
How to get your computer to recognize your Center-Cam?
Video Walk-through:
Center Cam - Not recognized by your computer
Operating System:
Windows, MacOS, Linux, Unix, Ubuntu
This article is for situations when your camera is not recognized by your computer. If your camera is recognized, but not working as intended, please review this article:
Confirm that your Center Cam is / is not recognized by your computer
On a Mac:
- Click on the apple icon in the top left of your screen.
- Select About This Mac > System Report > Camera.
- Under Camera, you should see your Center Cam, though it may be titled something different that includes HD or 1080 in the title. Some common examples are: 1080 Webcam, FHD Camera, CCHD Camera, CC HD Webcam.
- If you can't see you camera, try performing a SMC reset. Click this link for steps on how to perform this task.
- If you still don't see your camera, go to the next steps.
- If you see your Center Cam here, then your camera is recognized by your computer. Go to this article for next steps:
How do I select Center Cam as my preferred webcam (Mac)?
On a PC:
- Select Start and type device manager into the search bar. Select it from the search results.
- Look for your camera under Cameras, Imaging devices, or Sound, video and game controllers.
- If you can't find your camera, select the Action menu, then select Scan for hardware changes.
- Wait for it to scan and reinstall updates, restart your device, then attempt to open the Camera app again to test it.
- Check to see if your computer's Operating System is updated. Outdated software causes a lot of issues with 3rd party software.
- If you still can't see you camera after these steps, jump to the next section.
- If these steps work, then you camera is recognized by your computer. Go to this article for next steps:
How do I select Center Cam as my preferred webcam (PC)?
Check the USB connection:
- Make sure the USB end of your Center Cam is fully inserted into an active USB port.
- Unplug the USB end of your Center Cam from your computer and plug it back in.
- Try another USB port on your computer to see if that helps.
- If you are running your Camera through an extension or a hub:
- Remove all other devices from your hub / extension and try it again. Sometimes hubs can be overloaded by too many devices.
- Try by-passing your hub to see if your camera is recognized by your computer. IF this works, you may be dealing with a low performing of faulty hub.
Check your Video Software:
- If your camera is recognized by your computer, but still not visible, the issue is likely with your video conferencing software. Click the links below for more details:
- Camera not recognized by Zoom.
- Camera not recognized by MicroSoft Teams.
- Camera not recognized by GoToMeeting.
- Camera not recognized by Skype.
If you have taken all these steps and your camera is still not recognized, contact the Customer Support team.