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My Computer doesn't recognize my Center CamUpdated 2 years ago


How to get your computer to recognize your Center-Cam?

Video Walk-through:

 Center Cam - Not recognized by your computer

Operating System:

Windows, MacOS, Linux, Unix, Ubuntu


This article is for situations when your camera is not recognized by your computer. If your camera is recognized, but not working as intended, please review this article:

My Camera isn't working

Confirm that your Center Cam is / is not recognized by your computer

On a Mac:

  1. Click on the apple icon in the top left of your screen.
  2. Select About This Mac > System Report > Camera.
  3. Under Camera, you should see your Center Cam, though it may be titled something different that includes HD or 1080 in the title. Some common examples are: 1080 Webcam, FHD Camera, CCHD Camera, CC HD Webcam.
  4. If you can't see you camera, try performing a SMC reset. Click this link for steps on how to perform this task.
  5. If you still don't see your camera, go to the next steps.
  6. If you see your Center Cam here, then your camera is recognized by your computer. Go to this article for next steps:

How do I select Center Cam as my preferred webcam (Mac)?

On a PC:

  1. Select Start and type device manager into the search bar. Select it from the search results.
  2. Look for your camera under Cameras, Imaging devices, or Sound, video and game controllers.
  3. If you can't find your camera, select the Action menu, then select Scan for hardware changes.
  4. Wait for it to scan and reinstall updates, restart your device, then attempt to open the Camera app again to test it.
  5. Check to see if your computer's Operating System is updated. Outdated software causes a lot of issues with 3rd party software.
  6. If you still can't see you camera after these steps, jump to the next section.
  7. If these steps work, then you camera is recognized by your computer. Go to this article for next steps:

How do I select Center Cam as my preferred webcam (PC)?

Check the USB connection:   

  1. Make sure the USB end of your Center Cam is fully inserted into an active USB port.
  2. Unplug the USB end of your Center Cam from your computer and plug it back in.
  3. Try another USB port on your computer to see if that helps.
  4. If you are running your Camera through an extension or a hub:
    1. Remove all other devices from your hub / extension and try it again. Sometimes hubs can be overloaded by too many devices.
    2. Try by-passing your hub to see if your camera is recognized by your computer. IF this works, you may be dealing with a low performing of faulty hub.

Check your Video Software:

  1. If your camera is recognized by your computer, but still not visible, the issue is likely with your video conferencing software. Click the links below for more details:
    1. Camera not recognized by Zoom.
    2. Camera not recognized by MicroSoft Teams.
    3. Camera not recognized by GoToMeeting.
    4. Camera not recognized by Skype.

If you have taken all these steps and your camera is still not recognized, contact the Customer Support team.

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